What Should I Do When I Feel Suicidal?


1) Talk to someone.

This can be a friend, a spouse, or a crisis helpline. For the UK, Samaritans are one such orgnanisation. I've used their services on a couple of occasions myself, and found the responders to be kind and empathetic.

2) Speak to a professional

Let your GP know about it. They might suggest starting or adjusting medication, and may be able to refer you to therapy. If you're in therapy, share this with your therapist.

I was on antidepressants for some years, and they gave me the mental space to be able to benefit from talking therapy.

3) Be prepared.

When you're not in crisis, write down a safety plan for when you may feel suicidal. Who can you call/text to help calm you down? Find your person, and ask them if they'd be part of the safety plan. Chances are, they'd be honoured that you hold them in such high esteem.

What might you do to make yourself feel better in the moment? Keep relevant items and the plan handy.

4) Most importantly: remember this.




Your mental illness is lying to you.



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