Muslim Moms on Social Media (and where to buy Islamic books for kids)

A few days ago, the Muslim month of Ramadan started. Ramadan is a month of fasting, worship and charity. Ramadan is also the month when Muslim Mums the world over take to social media to showcase their children’s Islamic books collection. They set up beautiful little corners, put up cute banners, play Islamic songs (nasheeds) in the background, and upload these reels to Instagram.

All the while, I sit here looking at these videos feeling entirely inadequate. HOW ON EARTH do they manage to make a corner so beautiful? HOW? Once upon a time, I fancied myself aesthetically.. well, not-challenged, and even dabbled in a diploma (incomplete) of Interior Design. But now my standards have slipped to the grungy bottom of the standards barrel, and all I can do is gape with awe at these magical beings who somehow manage to create cuteness in chaos. If there is even chaos. Maybe I’m the only one who lives with chaos and straggling energy, spending all my days TRYING SO DAMN HARD to marginally thrive… to kind-of clean the house, teach the children, be a good role model, study, teach, market, write, post, produce… maybe I’m just not organised enough. Maybe its this season of life. Who knows. I’m not sweating it, though. I embrace my chaos and lack of energy and 4 different vitamin supplements, and go at it with all the energy of my 32 (going on 90) year old body.

Having said all that, I do want to keep up with the book-sharing Joneses. I do, really. But I just don’t have the energy or the time (or maybe I need to make the time….). The task is so daunting. First, I must gather ALL the Islamic books. 

Oh God, I’m tired already! ALL their Islamic books? But they have a gazillion of them!

Ok let's say those vitamins work and I'm not flushing hundreds of £’s down the toilet. The next step is to SET THEM UP. Even worse. I’ve considered hiring a photographer to do a photoshoot of those books, so I can upload the pictures on social media and finally be part of the cool crowd. Alas, my wallet disagrees.

So I thought, you know what I could do? I could share my favourite places to buy Islamic books from! YES! Finally something to contribute to the world of Islamic-book-sharing-in-Ramadan!

Here is the list.. by no means exhaustive. I mean, all places that sell books are my favourites. No offence to anyone. I love you all. But remember that old body I mentioned? Yeah, it's 10:22pm and waaaaay past its bedtime.

Here’s the small list I compiled – sellers of Islamic books for children. Have fun, go support a Muslim author (*ahem*) and add YOUR favourite stores in the comments below.

















Ok so maybe that last one isn’t specifically about Islamic books.. but I am a Muslim, and my books don’t contain anything ‘unIslamic’ (to the best of my knowledge, anyway!).

Don’t forget to add your favourite Islamic bookstores/Muslim authors below!

P.s. Are you following me on all the social media? Yes? Yay! 

No? Please do.



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