SAHM Diaries (3)

So you’re sick; you have a bug. Great. The world goes on. And what have you got to complain about anyway?

You’re just a stay at home mom.

Wake up, go to the toilet, take the kids to the toilet. Change your sweat soaked clothes, all the while shivering like you were in a freezer. You need the top and trousers ofcourse, but also a scarf and cardigan. Take your own sweet time as the room whirls with each movement. The 4 year old badgers you for breakfast but hey, what have you got to complain about?

You’re just a stay at home mom.

Exit the room and empty the washing machine on the way to the kitchen. Shout at the kids to keep it down. Stick a pot of chicken soup on the stove while making breakfast, octopus like. Field irrelevant questions and argue with the 6 year old, but hey! You’ve got nothing to complain about!

You’re just a stay at home mom.

Breakfast is served, clothes have been changed, teeth brushed. Kids making a mess in their already messy room while you make 10 rounds of the toilet per hour. Keep on top of the obsessive hand washing and consider having something to eat. But the movement and the thought itself makes you sick so go plop yourself on a sofa. As long as the family has something to eat, who cares about your breakfast? Intermittent fasting is all the rage anyway. 

Already exhausted beyond expression, and it’s not even midday yet. But you can not complain.

You’re just a stay at home mom.


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