In the Darkness...
In the darkness emerges the real you...the light-less you, weighed down with self-loathing and hate...slowly, surely, eroding, eroding...
The one with the tear-stained face and bleeding heart; the one surrounded by the shards of shattered dreams. The one who is weak, powerless against the torrent of emotion...forever stumbling, groping, groping...
The self that is forever searching; forever incomplete.The one who lives deep inside, cowering, cowering...
The quintessential 'you' - so wistful, so bitter, so perfectly buried.
Except why am I saying you, its me.
The one with the tear-stained face and bleeding heart; the one surrounded by the shards of shattered dreams. The one who is weak, powerless against the torrent of emotion...forever stumbling, groping, groping...
The self that is forever searching; forever incomplete.The one who lives deep inside, cowering, cowering...
The quintessential 'you' - so wistful, so bitter, so perfectly buried.
Except why am I saying you, its me.
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