A Melancholy Fairytale

“I love you,” he said. She...said nothing. Feeling the colour rise to her cheeks, she stood rooted to the spot, a soft smile playing on her lips. Her eyes downcast, her heart overflowing, she heaved a sigh... overcoming the shyness, she looked up at him and finally answered.. softly... very softly...
“I love you too, darling... I love you so much...”

He took her in his arms, then, and they danced to the sound of distant, melodious music... and such a dance it was, as the clouds parted and moon smiled serenely at them.

What a beautiful couple they were... one, a breathtakingly handsome knight, the other... an angel, as they swayed and twirled in the sparkling moonlight.

The song, it came to an end, but the moonlight continued to glow as she rested her head against his shoulder, and he held her... ever so close to him.

Tenderly, he kissed her forehead now, and turned, as if to go...
Frightened, she asked him, “Where to, darling...?”
He didn’t reply, like once before... but said, “Be strong, love.” And he was gone.

She didn’t cry, though tears came... she was broken, but never shattered. Trying to be strong, like he had said, she waited for him to return...

She continues, still, to wait for her knight, by the edge of the frozen lake, ever since that magical evening...



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